As you can probably guess from my last post…I bit the bullet and got the class membership at the other gym. So.Psyched. Can’t wait to Zumba and Cardio Kickbox (& Strength!) and…wait for it…Spin.

I’m terrified of Spinning. I am not a fan of the bike, I usually have to make myself ride it, but I’m super intrigued by Spinning. So when the lady said the membership includes Spinning (I just have to take the Intro to Spinning tutorial session first) I was like, oh really…

But! One of my friends who is going to do the other classes with me has said that she is also afraid of Spinning, but curious and if I go she’ll go. So…I’m probably going to Spin.

Again I say, Who Am I?

This is messing with my identity–in the best possible way, mind you–but it’s messing with my sense of self. I’m not athletic. I’m not a runner. Well, I wasn’t. I didn’t used to be these things. But…I am now.

It hit me that I’m a runner about a week after my birthday when I was still on a high from that day’s run. The highpoint of my birthday was the run. I had a great birthday. It was lovely. But the highpoint was the run. And it’s something that a lot of people don’t understand because they don’t run. And it makes me a little uncomfortable to say it because I’m so used to getting the ‘look’ when I talk about running. You know the one–where people eyeball you up and down while politely continuing the conversation and you can tell that they don’t take you seriously as a runner.

The last incident of that happening was at a graduation party last year. I was heavier then. And I’d just run my worst 5k ever (I don’t think the two are completely unrelated). It hasn’t happened in awhile. Of course I haven’t seen the person in question for awhile either. But the memory of it stings, and it makes made me question myself as a runner. I’m trying to get over that, because I AM a runner. I’m not the fastest or the strongest, but I’m a runner, and damnit, and I’m proud of that.

Like long runs, or longer races, it’s mostly mental. You just have to believe, accept, and keep putting one foot in front of the other (so I’m told). Like with anything (well, except perhaps brain surgery or rocket science) you can’t over-think it. If I let myself think about it I will continue to convince myself that I’m not a runner, that I can’t possibly be a runner. Even though I have evidence to to contrary.

So I’m struggling to accept this new role, this new self image, this new self. But it’s who I am becoming, and I like it.

Did I set goals for February? I don’t know as I’m wicked bad at tagging and I lack the patience to go through my archives. So, March then?

March Goals

  • Kiss the 160s good-bye.
  • Step up the cross-training (and by “step up” I mean “actually do”).
  • Stick to 100 push ups/200 sit-ups training.
  • Drink MORE water!
  • Drink LESS seltzer.
  • Actually take my vitamins on a daily basis.
  • Go to all my WW meetings.

So, I have a membership to a very nice gym that is very convenient for me. HOWEVER it doesn’t offer classes. And as I really need to work on getting some cross training in, and I’m not as hardcore as Stacey who is the queen of all things DVD, I really want to take a few classes. So I’m thinking of joining a second gym. Just on a monthly group fitness class membership as I’m not likely to go there for anything else. I’m looking at a Zumba class some friends are also taking and a Kick & Strength class (I’m dying for some cardio kickboxing). So I’m looking into that. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Who am I? Running. Running outside. Two gyms. Really? Me?

Hey guyz! I ran outside!

Yes I, your fearless treadmill runner, actually ran outside today. Booyah! One of my goals is to run outside more, but as I live in Vermont and detest the cold and wet and fear dying on ice, have stayed tucked into my cozy gym for the past few months. I suspect there will be plenty more of that over the coming months as well–but today is beautifully sunny, and my scheduled run was a short one (2 miles) so I figured, why not? Broke out the Ryka’s (because I was NOT about to wear my VFFs in the slush for their first trip outdoors) and went for it. I walked quite a bit of it because I have not mastered outdoor pacing (it is hard to do that when you’re running indoors on a treadmill) but I will conquer that yet. 1.86 miles later I returned home victorious! 🙂

Why didn’t I start running sooner?

Seriously. I love running so much. I feel so good when I’m doing it and I feel even better after. I LOVE IT.

A very, very SOLID 6 miles today. Walked the first 1/5 mile and the last ½ mile (warm up and cool down) and ran the rest of it, with one very short break at the 60-minute mark when the treadmill shut down and I had to start it again (silly gym treadmills). But besides that very brief (less than 1 minute) break, I RAN THE MIDDLE 5 MILES!! Was I fast? No, but I’m not fast and I’m more than okay with that. But I wanted to run without stopping, and I did.

Half marathon in 77 days? BRING.IT.ON. 🙂

Just like any solid team, family, community, or workplace, everyone brings their natural gifts to the table. Some runners are strong on the hills, and they use their gift to pull the pack up and over. Others are good at navigation and they keep everyone moving in the right direction. Others are adept at pacing, and they crack the whip or pull the reins. Others are inspirational, and motivate those in need of morale. Others use their humor to diffuse silence, tension, or fatigue. Some are gifted planners, and always have what you need (a snack, a tampon, chapstick, body glide, ibuprofen, cab fare…).  Some are sandbaggers, and they have enough kick at the end to get the whole herd back to the barn. Some are emotional paramedics, and they bandage broken soldiers along way. Some are the strong, silent type. You can’t put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence. Some bring experience, others bring fresh legs and perspectives. Some bring strategy, some bring raw athleticism. Some are historians, they remember every route, every race, every preference, every mile marker, every story, every birthday. Some follow instruction, some follow the pack, and some follow their heart. Somehow, all together, we are complete.

~ Kristin Armstrong, exerpt from “Village”

This is how I feel about our Tumblr community. I’m new. I don’t have many followers, but the wisdom, encouragement and insight I glean from the community as a whole is invaluable.

Too much to do, too little time…

  • type up notes from last UW meeting
  • print copies of said notes for all group members
  • finish planning OWL lesson for the week & email that out
  • gather laundry (this is no small feat in my house, let me tell you.)
  • pay bills
  • initial ‘tests’ for 100 pushups and 200 sit-ups challenges (hereafter referred to as 100/200 challenge for simplicity’s sake)
  • 5 mile run (with photo proof for the middle 3.1 for February Fitblr Races)
  • laundry
  • Read 3 more grant proposals
  • drop OWL related things for the service by the Meeting House
  • spend an hour or so at the office
  • United Way meeting at 4
  • Book Club!!

I also desperately want to check out the running skirts at the super local sporting goods store (where I got my VFFs) but I know I shouldn’t spend the money…

I need to run BEFORE I do laundry (so I can wash my stinky gym clothes) which really throws me off because I’m used to running around noon and doing laundry around 9 AM. So I’m trying to wake myself up enough that my run won’t suck. I guess that means the order above makes the most sense. Since Thurs is my short & light day at the office, as long as I roll in by 2:30 and can spend about an hour I should be okay.

EDIT: Looking like I won’t be running until noon anyway at the rate I’m going…

Thursday = Laundry Day…

Laundry among other things. I never did get around to my initial tests for the 100 push ups and 200 situps challenges. So that will be on the agenda for tomorrow. Along with a 5 mile run (the middle 3.1 will be my 2nd 5k proof for February Fitblr Races). I still need to finish reading a couple more grant proposals, typing up some notes, sending out the lesson plan for this weeks youth group. And as I continue to type I realize there is more on my list than I thought. Glad it’s a short day at the office, followed by a meeting and then Book Club with my favorite girls.

My life is crazy sometimes, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. And because tomorrow is laundry day I will be running earlier than normal so I can wash my running clothes. We’ll see how it goes. And I promise to report back with my starting stats for the 100/200 challenges, too. Accountability–it’s what Tumblr is there for. 🙂

Question for my fellow runners…

I’m starting to get to the point where I’m running for an hour or more and thus need to consider on-the-go fuel sources and start experimenting with them while I’m training so I know what to do on race day (81 days!!).

So…what do YOU do? Sports drinks v. Water. Gels v. Chews. Are there brands you like better than others? Do you have easy to carry/eat natural sources (I’d love it if I could use fruit or something like that, but I also don’t see myself carrying and or chomping on bananas while I’m running 13.1. Just sayin’.)?

I know that the ‘reply’ button will probably not give you enough space to answer so by all means feel free to flood my ‘ask’ box with wisdom gleaned from your experience.

Thanks! 🙂