Hey guyz! I ran outside!

Yes I, your fearless treadmill runner, actually ran outside today. Booyah! One of my goals is to run outside more, but as I live in Vermont and detest the cold and wet and fear dying on ice, have stayed tucked into my cozy gym for the past few months. I suspect there will be plenty more of that over the coming months as well–but today is beautifully sunny, and my scheduled run was a short one (2 miles) so I figured, why not? Broke out the Ryka’s (because I was NOT about to wear my VFFs in the slush for their first trip outdoors) and went for it. I walked quite a bit of it because I have not mastered outdoor pacing (it is hard to do that when you’re running indoors on a treadmill) but I will conquer that yet. 1.86 miles later I returned home victorious! 🙂