Starting to contemplate outfits for the Pittsburgh Half. (Because one of the perks of running is being a peacock, wearing bright colors, and showing off.) If race day is as hot as last year, I’m going to wear shorts (!!)–like actual shorts, not knee length shorts like I did for CLE last year. If its not going to be as hot I’ll wear capris. So the big decision is shirt…pink and yellow are my favorite colors to rock for races. Not sure I want to go with my ‘You Just Got Chicked’ shirt for PGH. I don’t know. Kinda wanna get something new, but I hold to the mantra ‘nothing new on race day’ so whatever I’m wearing I have to have ready by the weekend before when I run my 15. Starting to peruse my web sources, though I really should peruse Target, Kohls & Dicks to see if there is anything that appeals to me.