I’m still recovering from the race, which this week means XT, then some short easy runs next week mixed with XT, then back to training for the next half. But this post resonated with me because I’m the same way and I think it’s important to know yourself, treat yourself well, and DO IT, even when it’s tough. Booyah.


Went for an afternoon run. 4.60 hellish miles. It’s funny because I felt the 10K race on Sunday was not easy, but easy if you know what I mean. But this was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad run. I’m glad it’s over and this particular run taught me a few things:

  • I’m a morning runner. I just am.
  • Fuel your body to run, don’t run to burn bad fuel.
  • Never give up because you CAN run the distance, whatever the distance is.