I’m having a week, ladies and gents. 

I hit my 10% on Saturday, but have been eating like a crazy person since then. I mean, really it’s not awful, but I feel like it’s bad. I can’t seem to get myself on track. It’s not like I was celebrating my 10% by eating, but just a few days of less-than-smart decisions are derailing me. And that isn’t what I want. I hate that I do this, I make progress and then I just do stupid things to sabotage myself. I’m calling bullshit. I’m done, it ends here. I’m almost 29 and there is absolutely NO REASON to continue this self-destructive bullshit.

Adding to that is the fact I’m wicked stressed about work. I love my job. But my boss sprung on me yesterday that he’d be out of town this week. He’s reachable by cell which is somewhat helpful, but it left me responsible for things that I wasn’t expecting, and seriously messes with my schedule. I have other things that I can’t get out of or move that impede me being able to take care of these other things directly. Fortunately, it seems I’m finding a way around this as I put together more pieces and realize there are other parties involved that I can have help me, but I’m frustrated that I’m in this position to begin with. If I’d known last week I could’ve planned this week a little differently, but I can’t just drop everything to be in the office more to compensate for the fact he’s not here. And I really don’t have too much that I need to be doing in the office, so my actual work could be done in about an hour a day and yet I need to be here for more than that, so I feel like I’m wasting time. Which I hate. I have other things I could/should be doing that I’m not doing because I, technically, need to be in the office. 

I didn’t get my run yesterday because of the aforementioned crap, but I’m really, REALLY looking forward to it today. (TMI: It’s almost shark week, which I think is not helping my perturbedness and my seemingly uncontrollable cravings for crap food). I can still turn this week around. I don’t have to give up because I had a couple of bad days. And I know working out is going to help me tremendously. 

At 12:30 I’m going to eat my pre-run banana. Then at 1, I’m going straight from the office to the gym for a 2 mile run and spin on the stationary bike. Then I will stop home, get myself cleaned up, set up the DVD player to record Loser tonight (since I’m working the other job), eat something healthy, and head back to the office to make sure things are being taken care of (since the odds of me having the conversations I need to earlier in the day are slim to none). If I can avoid coming back to the office today, I’ll spend the afternoon time working on reading grant proposals, if not I’ll plow through at least one before I go to bed tonight. Then I’ll worry about planning my Wednesday (which will include reading the rest of the grant proposals I need to read before my meeting on Thursday). *sigh*

My birthday is Saturday. I think I’m taking it off. I’m not going to get up early and to go my meeting. I’m going to sleep in, then go for a run. Then do whatever the hell else I feel like doing as a reward for getting through this week. 

Thanks for listening Tumblr friends.