Weekend Race Recap

So I ran a couple races this weekend. Getting to be old hat because back to back races are fast becoming one of my favorite things–even though it seriously messes with my routines. But I LOVE racing. I LOVE it. It lights me up and makes me happy. To be fair, it usually makes me cranky first, but I’m happy when I’m out there, and when it’s over I can’t wait to do it again. Even when it hurts. (Like right now.)

I felt really good going into this weekend. I’d had some bad training runs, but figured out a couple of things, and I was just feeling it this weekend. I could just tell it was going to be a good weekend of racing. So Saturday morning I had the Pittsburgh Pirates Home Run 10k–running around the North Shore and finishing across home plate at PNC park, you get a medal. They had me at medal, honestly, I’m a sucker for the bling.

Pirates gear, repping the black and gold, ready to run. My 10k PR was 1:10:41, set last December at The Christmas Story 10k. I did the math and knew that if I could keep my average pace split under 11, I would PR. I started with the 10:30 pacers, but didn’t stay with them for long. And I was where I should be mile after mile. Things got a little rough around miles 4 and 5–I had a wicked stitch and had to walk a couple times, but I managed to pull it together and finish strong. I was originally thinking maybe I’d pull a 1:09:something. But as I entered the stadium I knew it would be much better than that. I ended up pulling out 1:05:07–a PR by more than 5 minutes!

Couldn’t celebrate for too long, though, because after I collected my medal I had to hightail it out of there so I could change, pack, and we could head to packet pickup for Sunday’s race. Drove to Ohio, picked up our packets, had some lunch, visited my dad, hung out with our friends (who graciously hosted us for the night) and tried to relax before the next event.

The next morning was COLD. MUCH colder than we’d anticipated, though I was optimistic that it would warm up before the race actually started. Sunday we did the 10-mile Drop, a point to point race that starts in Chardon, Ohio and ends at Fairport Harbor, Ohio. We parked at the finish and were bussed to the start where it started to warm up (and so did we). The race is billed as downhill, but its in Northeast Ohio, so that basically means flat with a slight downhill grade. PR material, though if you know me you know that I’m not super fond of flat courses, I much prefer some topography because I’m good at using the downhills to my advantage. Still, I chose this race, and I felt good going in. Same deal as Saturday, if I could stay ahead of 11 minute miles, I’d definitely PR. I started off great. The first half I was more than on track. I slowed down some in the back half, but I’d made enough time up in the first half that I was still on pace to PR. My record was sitting at 1:52:04. I would have been happy with anything less, but I really wanted 1:50:something. I was struggling in the last mile, I was sure I could PR but doubted I could get 1:50. I wanted to walk at one point and then I said NO. Just go for it, see what happens. I ended up coming in at 1:49:41.

I pushed hard both days. I was sore on Sunday from Saturday, and I’m sore as I type this now. It’s the most delightful sore in the world, I’m super proud of myself and how hard I worked. The Pittsburgh Half Marathon is 2 weeks away, and I have a steep time goal set for myself. I don’t know if I can do it, but after this weekend I know that I will do everything I can to get as close as possible. But today, I rest.

Happy Monday, friends.

Friday Funtimes…

I have been soooo excited about running lately. I’ve been binge listening to the Run, Selfie, Repeat podcast (which I discovered from another favorite podcast 300 Pounds and Running) and I can’t believe that I haven’t been following her forever–she’s like my spirit animal. That coupled with one of my buddies having a super great 20-miler the day of my ill-fated 11-miler. I’m going into a back-to-back race weekend that will be an exhausting whirlwind, but awesome to be sure and I feel really good going into it. I can’t wait to see what I can pull off.

Listening to the journey of Kelly (Run, Selfie, Repeat) as she goes for a Boston Marathon Qualifying time has me so pumped to start training for my fall marathon (registration coming soon). I’m trying not to get too ahead of myself though, I know I’ll set a steep time goal for myself (TBD, I’m waiting to see what time my buddy puts up at Pittsburgh) and I need to stay focused on the first set of races before I dive into a new training plan. I’m really embracing this ‘setting a goal that feels impossible’ mindset. If I don’t hit it, I don’t hit it, but I want to see how close I can get if I don’t.

I’m feeling really good about myself and my body. I wore a bikini for the first time ever on our vacation–just around our beach house, but still. I’m no Victoria’s Secret model, but I’m cool with that. I’m a ways from being comfortable running in just my sports bra, but maybe I’ll get there. It doesn’t feel like an impossibility to me anymore. Not even so much that my body has changed, but my comfort level with it has. The scale is bouncing around the same 3 pounds and for the first time, I don’t really care. I’m fine with the relative consistency. Intense training means I have to eat. And I like to eat. I’ve been reading The Endurance Diet by Matt Fitzgerald (who I got to meet through my running club, awesome guy) and it makes so much more sense to me. I want to perform my best–so I need to do whatever it takes to get there. Which right now means focusing on what my body can do and what it needs to do it.

Happy Weekend, Friends.

Coming Up to Speed…

I’ve honestly started this entry a million times, but never really finished it. Today’s the day. No lengthy catch up, just the basics…

I finished Insanity! and I LOVED it. LOVED. But it messed with my running–I didn’t have enough time or energy to properly devote to my training. So while the process was great and I got good results, I’m holding off on another round because I have some serious running goals staring me in the face.

I’ve done a ton of races so far this year, and I’m looking at another back-to-back race weekend this coming weekend. Still trying to find my groove as far as time management so everything gets done, but damn I love racing. Even on the bad days, running is lighting me up like it used to. Not going to get into details right now, but some new PRs have been set (as I inch ever closer to a sub-30 5k), and you can check out my Race Schedule page if you’re curious about what races I’ve done and how I did.

That said, there have been some bad days recently, and my poor performance at the half marathon course preview run killed me. Yesterday I went out for a 5k to redeem myself and was able to dissect it a little bit, which helps–if I can figure out what went wrong I can correct it. (1) My diet has been absolute crap–I’ve been on vacation so I haven’t been as consistent with my food plan. (2) New shoes–the ones I just bought and have been wearing are the updated version of my standbys, and whatever is different doesn’t seem to be working for me.

So today it’s back to my “diet” and I’m going back to my other shoes this week to see if it helps. Tweaked my ankle somehow during yesterday’s run so I’m resting today (crazy as that’s making me). That’s all I have for now, more soon.