Training Log–Week 3 (1/17-1/23)

Monday (1/17)-2 miles on treadmill; went later in the day than I planned, but SO glad I did–great run! Bumped up .1 every 2 minutes until 1.25, then back down to 1.5; last ½ mile in my VFFs.

Tuesday (1/18)-XT: Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown Level I

Wednesday (1/19)-XT: 7.25 miles on stationary bike at gym (31 minutes); had gone to run but treadmills were full.

Thursday (1/20)-3 miles on treadmill; started out great but went downhill. Took a walk break at 1.5; last ¾ mile in VFFs (½ mile run; ¼ mile walk)

Saturday (1/22)– 3 miles on treadmill; ROUGH. Dehydrated, got a side stitch. Several walk breaks, mentally just not into it at all. 1 mile in VFFs!

Total Mileage for week: 8

Total Mileage for year: 21.96


I realize that anytime I dream about running I’m running outside.

I’m running outside without headphones or iPod or anything like that.

I’m a pansy, I’m not going to run outside this winter. (I’m less of a pansy when you consider Vermont is headed into a serious cold snap with lows to the tune of -21, but whatever.)

Come spring, however, I think it’s time to make those dreams come true.

I cannot, for the life of me, find a theme I like for my journal.

I know most of you are reading me on your dashboard. And I mostly read off of my dashboard. But I do know that some people check in on my blog from outside of the tumblr-sphere and I can’t find a layout I like.


Lunch/Dinner: homemade BBQ chicken pizza. (Crust, BBQ sauce, mushrooms, red onions, baked chicken, italian 4 cheese blend) No, I’m not eating the whole thing. The 2 pieces missing are mine.

And they were good. 🙂

It’s lunch AND dinner because I’m on a weird schedule today–I go into the office late and for a short day on Thursdays, so I run around and do errands (and RUN) in the morning, which throws my feeding schedule off. And I have to be at work the 2nd at 5 PM…so I figured I’d eat this sometime in between. Seriously, so good. 🙂

I will not spoil for the people who won’t see it tonight…

…but I have to say that I have fallen back in love with Biggest Loser.

I started watching in Season 2, and I loved it. I love Jillian, I loved the contestants. Loved it. It’s the one show that I have consistently been able to commit to.

Then it started to suck. And I was about to walk away when I heard that this was to be Jillian’s last season. So, being a loyal fan/follower of Jillian I had to give it one last go.

And I’m so glad I did, because this season has been totally worth it. Of course we’re only in week 3, so it could still go south, but I don’t think it will, because I really like the contestants, and I really like the trainers.

Level 1 of Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown. First time in awhile. Still suck at rolling-Ts. And chaturanga push-ups.

Day after first ½ mile stint in my VFFs. No pain. Yay! Will complete the rest of the week (2 more runs) at ½ mile, then progress to ¾ of a mile next week. Boo yah!