I had intended to post last week, but things got a little crazy for me so this was the thing I let go. I started running in the morning before work most days of the week and I really like it. I’m still trying to find my groove with it, but it’s something I’ve missed doing. I’m taking this morning off as my knee is a little cranky, hoping that if I let it rest today I can continue my Runner’s World Run Streak after work, even if I just squeak out one mile.
Ran the PNC YMCA Turkey Trot (5-miler) on Thursday before I headed to Ohio. So much fun. I really enjoyed it. I love running through the city of Pittsburgh. Apparently I have no official 5-mile time (i.e. no races prior to this one), but the last one I ran on my own was 1:07:15 and I finished the Turkey Trot in 53:52, so I’ll take that PR.
After the race I headed to Ohio for a few days with my family and friends and it was very much needed. Got a jump on some Christmas shopping, spent time with my family, my best friend, got to see my KAKE girls for our annual meet up, got a couple of short runs in, it was a much needed respite from work.
Yesterday I ran again, and it was nothing impressive from a distance or speed stand point, but it was another turning point in my running life. I’ve always been a run-walker. No shame in that, no harm, it’s how plenty of people operate. Unless I’ve been running with someone who forced my hand, I’ve always walked some. I’ve never really believed I could do it without walking at least a little. And even after my training partner/buddy/coach forced my hand I’ve walked some in my solo training runs. Less, but I still walked. I ran every step of my races, but training runs, meh. That’s always been my problem–I let myself off the hook too easy, and when I am pushing, it’s generally his voice (or someone else, but admittedly usually his) pushing me through. Until yesterday. I set out to do 4 miles, with the only goal being to beat my time from the last time I did 4 miles on my own. I set out, and I ran. And I kept running. And I started to bargain with myself–you’re going to do at least 5k. You’re not going to walk until you get at least 5k in. I hit 5k and was three blocks from the car, and I told myself I was running to the car. I got a block from the car and told myself I was running the full 4 miles. And I did. I didn’t walk. I didn’t cut the mileage short. And the voice in the back of my head pushing me through it was my own. Pretty proud of that. It’s a sign of good things to come.
Two races this weekend–A Christmas Story 10k on Saturday and the Ugly Sweater 5k on Sunday. Gearing up for those and a lot of big things to come in 2017.
Have a good week, friends.