Yesterday I ran the Richard S. Caliguiri City of Pittsburgh Great Race 10k (that’s the full title, here in the ‘burgh we just refer to it as the Great Race). I’ve run it before, but not for a few years. Last time I ran it I was a month or so out from my first marathon and was at my heretofore fittest. I don’t do a lot of 10k races, so that has stood as my 10k PR. And I crushed it. I beat it by 4 minutes and 39 seconds.
Here’s the thing that I can’t get over though–the last time I ran that race I was at my ‘racing weight’ and what I consistently think of as my fittest. But here I am, still a solid 15-20 pounds heavier than my ‘racing weight’ and I am crushing it. I truly am coming back better and stronger than I was before. It’s a constant mental shift I’m working on–I’m in better shape than I give myself credit for. I can’t help but wonder what I’ll be capable of when I do get back to my ‘racing weight’ (that’s still one of my big goals, I’m not getting complacent just because my running is going well).
The other big thing that’s occurred to me lately is that I just wasn’t myself in so many little ways that I didn’t even notice until I caught myself doing them again–not only was I not running, but I wasn’t rapping when I did run (I use my hands, it keeps me loose yet pumped), I’d stopped wearing heels, and I don’t think I yelled at football once last season–how unbelievable is that? It feels so good to be myself again.
Next weekend’s 5k will be a challenge–I’m doing the Fly By 5k at Pittsburgh International Airport. Airport = flat course. Not my strong suit, I’m much better with a little bit of elevation change. But I also love a challenge and my goal is to beat my official 5k time of 35:30. (I technically did that during the race yesterday, the halfway point was 5k and I hit that at 35:26, but I don’t count it since it wasn’t a complete race, just a split.)
Treating myself to new running shoes when I get paid this week. Can’t wait to order them.
Happy Monday, friends. Have a good week.