Moving into the boyfriend’s house…slowly but surely. And I’m feeling like ahead of schedule. Like I should be fully out by mid-March, which would make me happy. Planning to move the cat in a couple of weeks. He’ll be happier there once he adjusts. And I’m taking a solo weekend trip home soon and would rather he be moved before that so he’s not spending the weekend alone. So that’s happening.

Training is going okay. Winter running is frustrating. It’s kind of killing me to have obstacles to getting the distance I want, but I’ll get there. Boyfriend spoiled me with not one but TWO new pairs of running shoes (another pair of road shoes and a pair of road/trail runners) so I’ll be able to rotate and have options. Kettlebells are awesome. Bought kettle guards so I don’t beat and bruise myself to hell. Noticing strength gains and LOVE being challenged by new things. Once I move I shall be adding P90X3 to the mix 2-3 times per week (obviously a modified schedule) for some additional challenge. I’m ready for more and different. 

Birthday is this week, and we’re supposed to have gorgeous weather for it. Taking the day after my birthday off so I can spend it with my love, go for a long run and out for a nice dinner. And I get to DJ for my KB class on my birthday, so I’m pretty pumped about that. 

Think it might be about time to invest in some Kettleguards. Big ass bruise on left arm from cleans this week. *shrugs*