I will not eat the brownies just because I’m bored. I will not eat the brownies just because I’m bored. I will not eat the brownies…
Day: May 14, 2013
I posted that pic, the duck face one, on Facebook first. Just to be silly. I thought nothing of it. I was FLOORED by the responses I got. People coming out of the woodwork to tell me I looked great. I mean I posted that right before I left on my run, by the time I finished an hour and a half later I had at least 5 comments. I joked/commented to my running buddy…“of all the pics I post on FB, duck face gets the most compliments? Really?” He laughed appropriately, but then quite seriously said “Do you see how skinny you look in that pic? You should feel great!”
This weekend was full of firsts…
+ First time I’ve been called skinny. And not just by my running buddy, someone actually made the comment on FB before I said anything to him.
+ First time I’ve gone swimsuit shopping without hating myself.
-/+ First wedding I’ve gone to alone since I’ve been old enough to have my own RSVP card. Mixed bag, this one. I did it by choice, it needed to happen so I’m glad I did it, but it wasn’t easy. Overall, and despite the rough parts, my take away is positive.
+ First time running with my best friend. Well, with her husband anyway. She’s way faster than both of us–even though she’s coming back from an injury. But we had a kick ass run, and I was pushing pace on him. Felt great to chick a triathlete (even if he’s not in race shape at the moment, LOL).
+ First time I was sleeveless without feeling self-conscious about my arms. This is interesting because when I was heavier it never bothered me, but my arms have been a real hangup of mine lately. But I wore a sleeveless dress to the wedding, and took my cardigan off at the reception. And felt good about it.
+ First time I’ve been on the end in pictures and didn’t cringe at the profile shots. I actually look pretty damn good.