Goals for the week:
Run every day (March Run Everyday Challenge)
Cross train x3
Drink water
Eat enough (I haven’t been. I nee to work on that)
Track food (to make sure I’m doing the above)

Had a HUGE word vomit post processing everything I’ve been working through this weekend, but Tumblr ate it. Just as well.

In summary: body image bullshit, shitty run, “Feel the fear, do it ANYWAY.”

It’s a new week. Moving on.

Admittedly I’m really struggling with my body image lately, but every now and then I get these moments of clarity…like this morning when I was walking into work, and I caught my reflection in the glass. I had a moment where I wondered whose legs those were in the tight skinny pants–and realized they were mine. 🙂


Art – Sam Carbaugh

Script – Flint Francois Bourdeau

Editors – Josue Stephens, Maria Walton, Francois Bourdeau, and Sam Carbaugh

This comic is a very short story for a man with a big heart, Micah True. If only we could tell a 300 page story, it would still only scratch the surface. Micah touched the lives of countless people, and his legacy grows everyday. I am honored to play a small part in it. 

Sam Carbaugh, the artist, is a friend and fellow runner and he did an amazing job with this (as he always does). Had to share. 🙂

Playing catch up…

I haven’t posted in awhile, so I should update…

2/23–went home to Ohio for my birthday party. Ran 10.4ish miles that morning. Beat my (male) friend’s time, which was my goal. 🙂

3/1–Started the Run Every Day March challenge. The goal is to run at least one mile, every single day. And so far I have.

3/9–First race of the season, the March Mad Dash. 10 mile version. Ran the first half with my former roommate and got her a PR for her 5 mile time. Then I went on the PR myself. Still waiting for official chip time (tomorrow, and I will update my race page accordingly) but I know I PRd. Just got my chip time. 1:59:44, and the distance was really about 10.6. New Record. 😀

3 more weeks until the first half marathon of race season, and I can’t wait. Can’t wait. I’m running with/against the aforementioned male friend (and RunStaceyRun will be there too, but I expect to see her at the start and maybe finish).

This doesn’t make sense. Don’t read it.

I found a picture today when I uploaded my phone photos (first time in a month or so). Probably taken under the influence of wine, because I can’t imagine having done it sober. It’s of my naked backside in my full length mirror. And it’s actually kinda good. I don’t look at it and cringe (as I usually do when I look at my backside in the mirror on a day-to-day basis). I look at it and think “how is that my ass? My ass doesn’t look like that when I look in the mirror.” Maybe it’s the angle, maybe it’s the lighting, I don’t know. It hasn’t been retouched, I don’t play that way, it just is what it is. But I look at that picture and find myself wishing that my ass was in fact my ass. Because that’s not what it looks like to me day-to-day.

Contrary to what my DailyMile would have you believe, I have been running. I just haven’t transferred the data from my MapMyRun account over to DM. I’ll get around to that eventually. But rest assured that I have been running. 🙂