That run this morning? Awesome! (with illustrations!)

Got to run outside today. After treadmilling it for the past week or two, I was so happy that I could just go outside, even though I was flying solo. I was nervous about it because pacing has always been my weak point. In Vermont (and sometimes even on trips home to Ohio) I tend to go slower and not push because I’m by myself. Or I start off way to fast and run out of gas after the first mile and have to walk for awhile to recover. But today was golden.

1) I love running in the cold. I don’t mind bundling up to run. I’d rather run in cold than heat. True facts.

2) It flurried while I was running. I love running in snow flurries. It makes me feel bad ass. Adding to the bad ass feeling? The hardest flurries were while the Iron Man theme was playing on my phone. Rock. On.

3) My splits and pacing were awesome. Not negative, but I don’t care. I was solidly in 11-11:30 territory for the entire run. By myself. I was relatively consistent. By myself. I really am improving. I didn’t blow out too fast, and I kept pushing. If I started to flag I kept my goals in mind (race times and knowing that I’ve challenged a male friend of mine and I’m determined to chick his ass).

Spotting progress…

I’m having the LAZIEST day ever. EVER. I didn’t change out of pajamas until 5:30 this evening. And then I put on new pajamas because I needed to wash the old ones. I can’t tell you the last time I did NOTHING at all when I wasn’t sick. It feels amazing. I really needed it today. I’ve done nothing but chill with the cat and play on the internet.

So I have this bikini. It will likely never see the light of day because I can’t imagine getting my body to a point I’d be comfortable enough wearing it in public, but hey, never say never, right? At any rate, I occasionally take pics in it just to see progress. I usually do, but being me, it’s not dramatic or ‘enough’ really. Today while going through some files on my computer I found the pics I took in it last January.

Holy. Fuck.

I look completely different. I’ve lost 30 pounds (which to me doesn’t sound like a lot, even though I know it’s a significant amount) since I took last year’s pictures but the difference is astounding. I won’t post them (sorry), because I’m not comfortable with that, but damn, being able to actually see the difference in my body makes me feel really good.

Maybe I’ll share them someday, but I’m not ready yet. Right now the girl in the before picture is a little too fresh. I still *feel* more like her than the girl in the during picture (it’s not really an after because I’m not ‘done’ yet). Putting that out there will make me feel a little more naked, a little more exposed than I’m comfortable with.