My CRAZY race schedule

I’m just thinking about the insanity of my race schedule this year. In past year’s I’ve done 1 5K a year. I attempted a 10K last year that met with the best DNF story ever. But 1-2 races per year.

I’ve already done more than that, and I’m not done yet.

May: half marathon

June: 5K & 7 mile races

August: half marathon

September: 5.5 mile & 15K races

October: potential half marathon

Are we noticing a pattern?

I am dreading the winter and not being able to run outside and not having races to keep me motivated. I’m going to have to sign up for a half or something somewhere in March or April so I don’t lose momentum when I’m forced back onto the TM. If I don’t have a race looming its much easier for me to skip runs.

I’m not sure why I hate the TM so much now. I used to love it. I used to hate running outside. But now, while I love running for an hour or two, the idea of being on a treadmill for more than a few minutes to warm up makes me absolutely crazy. There are not enough Kardashians in this world to make it work for me. I fully intend to buy cold weather gear and yak tracks so I can run outside for as long as possible (and I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a mild winter).

Today’s Lesson: Don’t Deviate from the Plan…

Because when you deviate from The Plan? It SUCKS.

My workout this AM sucked hardcore. It was nice out, but I decided I would drive to the gym and do my 4 miles on the treadmill. Big.Mistake. I get there, start the treadmill and remember why I HATE the treadmill. It sucks. So I do enough to warm up and head into the circuits, which were fine enough. I liked them, I’ll do them again. I can’t wait to see if I’m sore tomorrow. If not I’ll have to add more weight next time. So I figured, it’s nice, I’ll drive home and do a short run when I get there. So I did. And that sucked too. Ugh.

“Good or bad, a run is a run…and this run is DONE!” Thank God. Doing my favorite 5.5 mile route tomorrow AM. That has to be better.

Now debating between 2 races for September.

I could potentially do them both, they are on different weekends.

Farnum 5.5 Trail Run on 9/10

IDIC 15K Race on 9/18

I’d love to do a trail race because it would be good incentive for me to get out and train on some trails over the rest of the summer.

And I love the idea of doing a 15K because I’m in love with mid-range distances.

I’ve got some time to decide, but it’s entirely possible that I’ll do both.

blergh. Chance of T-storms in the AM. Storms are my kryptonite–I don’t run in storms or pouring rain. I’ll check the forecast in the AM and see where it stands. Hopefully it will dissipate so I don’t have to put my plan on hold. OR, since I’ll be up, I’ll just hit the gym and take it from there. 🙂

It’s going to be a busy & potentially stressful day at work. I *NEED* to work out in the morning beforehand.