Half marathon splits and finish will be posting to my FB and Twitter accounts on Sunday. Wish I could route them to Tumblr for you, but if you look at my actual page and not just the dash I have the last 5 Tweets feeding to it. Not that anyone has to follow it, I’m just putting it out there that it is happening (or at least that it should be). I’m most skeptical about splits posting, but my finish definitely should.


I am so pumped for the race this weekend. Like in a ridiculous way.

Told my boss this morning. I was shaking so hard (literally shaking) when we were talking about it and I don’t know why. I’ve been a little nervous talking about it with him, but I’ve not been that nervous talking about it with ANYONE else.

I’ve started to fret logistics. I’ve started to worry about timing and fear being dragged away kicking and screaming. I know that won’t happen, I know that I can do this. The hill at mile 12 isn’t quite as steep as the one I usually take so it will be a snap. I realized, in the midst of my AWESOME 10-miler on Saturday that I don’t push myself as much as I could; I was taking my regularly planned out walk-break and realized I didn’t really need it, there was no reason I couldn’t be running. And all of that, coupled with race day nerves and adrenaline mean I have this in the bag. I can totally do this. And I am genuinely excited to do it. I.Can’t.Wait.