I’m alive… :)

Finished my 7 miler. Walked more of it than I wanted to, but as I grossly underestimated the hills, I’m ultimately fine with that. It was about 16 degrees (F) when I left the house, so I feel pretty hardcore despite the walking. I’m glad I did it.

Who AM I?

I’m going to run outside tomorrow morning.

7-miler is on the schedule. This will be my longest run outside. Ever.

The high is only supposed to be 33(F). It will not be that warm when I go in the AM.

But the thought of doing another long treadmill run this week makes me want to gouge my eyes out. So I’ve loaded a belt pack with the ID I take running, a Gu, and my cell. I’ll have my iPod and my watch. And I’m going to go for it.

I’m not going to wear my Vibrams. I think it’s too cold for me to brave that just yet.

Who am I? Two weeks ago I wouldn’t have even considered doing this run outside. I wouldn’t have considered anything longer than 2 miles. And now I’m planning a 7 mile, AM run in sub 30 degree weather. Seriously. Who am I?