So not running 5 miles today. I’ll do it tomorrow, for sure, but not today. Inner thighs and calves HURT from kickboxing yesterday–whoo buddy! If it were just my thighs I might suck it up, but sore calves + barefoot shoes + 5 miles = probably a bad idea.

Class went well and totally kicked my ass (in the best possible way). I loved it and look forward to going again next week. 🙂

And I’m very glad that I ended up starting with the class at the community center instead of at the Dojo, as I’m pretty sure that class would have actually killed me. I’ll give one a shot later this month and see how it goes.

However, I think my original plan was a little ambitious. If I’m hurting tomorrow I will allow myself to take a rest day, and do my run on Thursday. We’ll see how I feel. 🙂

I’m exhausted, though, for sure, and will be headed to bed very shortly after Loser Tuesday wraps up.