Getting ready to head out for Kick & Strength.

Nervious-I’m going alone, I’m unfamiliar with the rec center, and I haven’t taken a group class in years. But I’m also wicked excited.

Tell you all about it when I get home.

PS-The new Jillian Michaels podcast is out and it’s AWESOME!

Forgive the flash in my face, but the wave of insecurity that hit over the weekend is gone as I realize that I can do belts again. Not like my pants are falling down without them, but they fit a little better with them. And I love being able to tuck just the front of a shirt in so you can see the belt buckle. Off to a good start. 🙂

For the first time in my life I can actually imagine myself at my goal weight. I have never in my life been able to see a number so clearly, or to picture the events leading up to it, the actions that result because of it and the things I need to do to get there.

I’ve always had a hard time just trying to come up with a number. I’ve always thought I’d ‘see how I felt when I got there.’ But I have a number now.

I don’t like time deadlines with weight loss, but (one of) my best friend(s) is getting married in August and it is not inconceivable for me to reach my goal by then. So that’s what I’m shooting for. It works out to just under 8 pounds a month and just under 2 pounds a week until the wedding. Not perfect, not necessarily even likely, but certainly not impossible. If I don’t make it, that’s okay, but I like the idea of the challenge.

It feels…real. It feels like I can WILL do it.

[sometime soon I’ll start sharing numbers with you, I promise. I’m just not there yet.]