Finished my 7 miler. Walked more of it than I wanted to, but as I grossly underestimated the hills, I’m ultimately fine with that. It was about 16 degrees (F) when I left the house, so I feel pretty hardcore despite the walking. I’m glad I did it.
Month: March 2011
Who AM I?
I’m going to run outside tomorrow morning.
7-miler is on the schedule. This will be my longest run outside. Ever.
The high is only supposed to be 33(F). It will not be that warm when I go in the AM.
But the thought of doing another long treadmill run this week makes me want to gouge my eyes out. So I’ve loaded a belt pack with the ID I take running, a Gu, and my cell. I’ll have my iPod and my watch. And I’m going to go for it.
I’m not going to wear my Vibrams. I think it’s too cold for me to brave that just yet.
Who am I? Two weeks ago I wouldn’t have even considered doing this run outside. I wouldn’t have considered anything longer than 2 miles. And now I’m planning a 7 mile, AM run in sub 30 degree weather. Seriously. Who am I?
Thank you, fellow Fitblrs. I did NOT want to go to the gym for my 4 miles. But I stopped home after work to change, looked at my dashboard and then realized I HAD to go, even though I wanted to do absolutely anything but run.
And I did want to do anything else. It was not the worst run ever, I’ve had plenty of those, but it was not good. Not fun. It felt incredibly forced. But I did it, and it’s over, and I’m glad that it’s done and I don’t have to do it tomorrow before (or worse, after, kickboxing).
3 for Thursday
I’m sucking hardcore with food this week. And it’s just stupid. And it’s a cutback week so I’m not burning anywhere near the calories I normally do (which, in some ways is probably beneficial, as next week I will probably have better results) but of all the weeks I need my food to be really on par I can’t seem to control myself.
Letter to my younger self…
Tonight my small group at church talked about young/old. A lot of interesting questions were brought up for reflections. One of them was:
If you could write a letter to yourself at half your current age, what would it say?
I gave a much shorter answer, but I have continued thinking about it, so I thought I would type it out…
Dear Emme,
It gets better. Not in any way you’d ever expect, but it gets better.
Don’t doubt yourself. I know you’re in a hole, I know it doesn’t feel like you’ll dig out, but seriously, hang in there, and you’ll have a life you can’t begin to imagine for yourself.
You’ll have a job you love, a boyfriend who respects you as an equal, and you’ll even be involved in youth ministry. You’ll find yourself and figure it out. And those girls who are by your side now will be by your side for the rest of your life.
I don’t want to give too many details and spoil the journey, and I won’t lie to you–it’s going to be HARD. It’s going to SUCK. But stick it out, you’ll be better for it, and it gets so much better.
Try your damndest to love yourself. You’re worth it.
P.S. Oh, I almost forgot to mention…you know how you dream of being a runner but feel too self-conscious to make it happen? Get over yourself, because you are A RUNNER.
New Music
a friend of mine posted the link on Facebook and over the course of about an hour I’ve become obsessed with it! You can create playlists, buy music, etc…all based around your pace, or your goal pace, or the kind of workout you want to do. Awesome!
wow…it sounds like many Fitblrs took downers after I went to bed last night.
Hope things look up for everyone and that those taking a break find what they need in it.
If you have a Mac…
Press command+option+control+8
So not running 5 miles today. I’ll do it tomorrow, for sure, but not today. Inner thighs and calves HURT from kickboxing yesterday–whoo buddy! If it were just my thighs I might suck it up, but sore calves + barefoot shoes + 5 miles = probably a bad idea.