Have a wonderful birthday. What big plans do you have?


I don’t have a huge day planned. Opening presents, running my scheduled 4-miles (which I’m genuinely excited about), and at some point boy and I are making the trip to the nicer theatre to see “Gnomeo & Juliet” and go out for a special dinner. The rest we’ll make up as we go. 🙂

Emme A-Z

(A) Age: 29 (close enough! only 30 more minutes!)

(B) Bed Size: Full

© Chore You Hate: Dishes

(D) Dogs? I like ‘em, but I have a cat. 🙂

(E) Essential Start Your Day: Coffee.

(F) Favorite Color: Pink!

(G) Gold or Silver? Silver or White Gold

(H) Height: 5’3" (on a good day)

(I) Instruments You Play: I sing. 🙂

(J) Job Title: Assistant to the Executive Director

(K) Kids: not any time soon.

(L) Live: White River Junction, Vermont

(M) Mom’s Name: Beverly

(N) Nicknames: Emme is a nickname

(O) Overnight Hospital Stays? Not since babyhood.

(P) Pet Peeve: Stupidity and Ignorance

(Q) Quote from a Movie: “Uh, who’s car is that in the driveway?“ "Mine. 1970 Pontiac Firebird. The car I’ve always wanted and now I have it. I rule.” ~American Beauty

® Right or Left Handed? Righty

(S) Siblings: One older sister

(T) Time You Wake Up? normally alarm goes off around 6:30, if left to my own devices somewhere between 7:30 and 8

(U) Underwear: typically, yes 😉

(V) Vegetable You Dislike: beans (except green beans, I like green beans)

(W) What Makes You Run Late: getting sucked into Tumblr!

(X) X-Rays You’ve Had Done: chest

(Y) Yummy Food You Make: lots of things

(Z) Zoo, Favorite Animal: monkey

Okay, so I got the new Jillian podcast loaded up (now that I finally found it), had some lunch, finished reading grant proposals (ugh, that last one was killing me too). Now I’m going to head to CVS to pick up some hair necessities then head to the gym for my run before my meeting at 4.

Booyah! Emme’s got her groove back. 🙂

possibly dangerous change in plans…

I’m going to go eat and read before the gym. I’m way too hungry to run right now (I forgot my banana–that usually holds me until I’m done running). If I plan to get to the gym around 2:30 I should still have plenty of time to pump out 3 miles and get showered and changed and to my meeting by 4 (as I’ll actually be starting out a little closer to it, just 2 exits up the highway instead of 4). 

Yeah. That’s the ticket.

Improvement…sort of.

Feeling better about life. Finally. My boss is due back sometime tomorrow and I’m finally at a point I can have a rational conversation with him and tell him what I feel, why I feel that way and ask for him to not leave without proper notice again (unless it is an emergency).

I also realized that a lot of the reason I was so upset with him is that I really respect and admire him, and in doing this I was quickly and harshly reminded that he is human. And that was hard because it took him off the pedestal I’ve had him on. He’s still a great guy and (typically) a great boss but I have to remember that he’s human, and he’ll make mistakes, and he’ll piss me off sometimes. And I have to be honest with him about that much (though I’ll leave the pedestal bit out of it, he doesn’t need to know that part). 

A little nervous about getting it all done today–there’s a lot I need to do (outside the office) and I’m not sure I’ll be able to pull it off in the time frame I’m working with. I have a committee meeting at 4 and a grant proposal I still need to read for that. I have a 3 miler that needs to happen today (for my sanity if no other reason) and I’d really like it to happen this afternoon (between work and the aforementioned meeting) because I don’t want to have to go tonight. And my house is a WRECK because this week has been go-go-go and STRESS central. Ugh. But my plan is to work until about 1, then head to the gym, then go home for lunch, cleaning myself up & reading that last grant proposal, meeting at 4, and then tackling the rest of my life (cleaning up the apartment, working on bills/checkbooks, planning for youth group, etc.). 

Seriously, 2 more days until my birthday. And I’m not doing ANYTHING that day that I don’t absolutely want to do. (Fortunately I’m really looking forward to my scheduled 4-miler!)

Things I need to do today:

  • work at the office
  • errands for office (bank & post office)
  • some kind of work out
  • read 2 grant proposals
  • shop for craft night potluck
  • cook for craft night potluck
  • pack up project for craft night
  • craft night!
  • hair cut!!
  • post pics of hair on FB & Tumblr
  • checkbooks & bills
  • car registration renewal

‘K. I think that about does it. Let’s get this show on the road. Go Team! 🙂