Too much to do, too little time…

  • type up notes from last UW meeting
  • print copies of said notes for all group members
  • finish planning OWL lesson for the week & email that out
  • gather laundry (this is no small feat in my house, let me tell you.)
  • pay bills
  • initial ‘tests’ for 100 pushups and 200 sit-ups challenges (hereafter referred to as 100/200 challenge for simplicity’s sake)
  • 5 mile run (with photo proof for the middle 3.1 for February Fitblr Races)
  • laundry
  • Read 3 more grant proposals
  • drop OWL related things for the service by the Meeting House
  • spend an hour or so at the office
  • United Way meeting at 4
  • Book Club!!

I also desperately want to check out the running skirts at the super local sporting goods store (where I got my VFFs) but I know I shouldn’t spend the money…

I need to run BEFORE I do laundry (so I can wash my stinky gym clothes) which really throws me off because I’m used to running around noon and doing laundry around 9 AM. So I’m trying to wake myself up enough that my run won’t suck. I guess that means the order above makes the most sense. Since Thurs is my short & light day at the office, as long as I roll in by 2:30 and can spend about an hour I should be okay.

EDIT: Looking like I won’t be running until noon anyway at the rate I’m going…

Thursday = Laundry Day…

Laundry among other things. I never did get around to my initial tests for the 100 push ups and 200 situps challenges. So that will be on the agenda for tomorrow. Along with a 5 mile run (the middle 3.1 will be my 2nd 5k proof for February Fitblr Races). I still need to finish reading a couple more grant proposals, typing up some notes, sending out the lesson plan for this weeks youth group. And as I continue to type I realize there is more on my list than I thought. Glad it’s a short day at the office, followed by a meeting and then Book Club with my favorite girls.

My life is crazy sometimes, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. And because tomorrow is laundry day I will be running earlier than normal so I can wash my running clothes. We’ll see how it goes. And I promise to report back with my starting stats for the 100/200 challenges, too. Accountability–it’s what Tumblr is there for. 🙂