Question for my fellow runners…

I’m starting to get to the point where I’m running for an hour or more and thus need to consider on-the-go fuel sources and start experimenting with them while I’m training so I know what to do on race day (81 days!!).

So…what do YOU do? Sports drinks v. Water. Gels v. Chews. Are there brands you like better than others? Do you have easy to carry/eat natural sources (I’d love it if I could use fruit or something like that, but I also don’t see myself carrying and or chomping on bananas while I’m running 13.1. Just sayin’.)?

I know that the ‘reply’ button will probably not give you enough space to answer so by all means feel free to flood my ‘ask’ box with wisdom gleaned from your experience.

Thanks! 🙂

I’m still reveling in my birthday run.

I feel funny saying it, but it was really the highpoint of my birthday. I mean, I had a great day overall, very nice and low-key with my honey, and it was great. But that run was definitely the highpoint.

I ran for basically an hour and I felt so good. I felt like I could’ve continued. I could’ve gone on. And 3 days later that’s what I’m thinking about–how awesome my birthday run was. I’m not sure what that says about the person I’m becoming, but I love it.

Today’s game plan:

  • office
  • gym: 2-3 easy miles & initial tests for 100 pushups and 200 sit-ups challenges (Oh hell yeah, it’s on!)
  • OWL planning
  • reading grant proposals
  • coffee with a friend
  • dinner with the boy
  • Biggest Loser!

It’s going to be an AWESOME day. 🙂

I’m genuinely looking forward to everything on my list. And if the new Jillian Michaels podcast goes up before I go to the gym my day will be just about perfect. 🙂

Happy Tuesday! 🙂