Re: Today’s run…

😀 – Treadmill at the gym – 4.29 mi – 01:0214:31 pace

AWESOME!! I actually hit 4.0 at 58:02. 🙂 The rest is all cool down. I only walked once, for about 2 minutes because I was a silly girl and put P!nk’s “F**king Perfect” on my playlist thinking I wouldn’t cry if I was running. Wrong. I started to choke up so I skipped it and walked for a minute or so to calm down. Then I resumed kicking ass. 🙂 And holy cool birthday numbers, Batman–4.“29” miles (my age) and in 1:“02:19” (my birthdate). Totally unintentional. Totally awesome. 🙂

Have a wonderful birthday. What big plans do you have?


I don’t have a huge day planned. Opening presents, running my scheduled 4-miles (which I’m genuinely excited about), and at some point boy and I are making the trip to the nicer theatre to see “Gnomeo & Juliet” and go out for a special dinner. The rest we’ll make up as we go. 🙂

Emme A-Z

(A) Age: 29 (close enough! only 30 more minutes!)

(B) Bed Size: Full

© Chore You Hate: Dishes

(D) Dogs? I like ‘em, but I have a cat. 🙂

(E) Essential Start Your Day: Coffee.

(F) Favorite Color: Pink!

(G) Gold or Silver? Silver or White Gold

(H) Height: 5’3" (on a good day)

(I) Instruments You Play: I sing. 🙂

(J) Job Title: Assistant to the Executive Director

(K) Kids: not any time soon.

(L) Live: White River Junction, Vermont

(M) Mom’s Name: Beverly

(N) Nicknames: Emme is a nickname

(O) Overnight Hospital Stays? Not since babyhood.

(P) Pet Peeve: Stupidity and Ignorance

(Q) Quote from a Movie: “Uh, who’s car is that in the driveway?“ "Mine. 1970 Pontiac Firebird. The car I’ve always wanted and now I have it. I rule.” ~American Beauty

® Right or Left Handed? Righty

(S) Siblings: One older sister

(T) Time You Wake Up? normally alarm goes off around 6:30, if left to my own devices somewhere between 7:30 and 8

(U) Underwear: typically, yes 😉

(V) Vegetable You Dislike: beans (except green beans, I like green beans)

(W) What Makes You Run Late: getting sucked into Tumblr!

(X) X-Rays You’ve Had Done: chest

(Y) Yummy Food You Make: lots of things

(Z) Zoo, Favorite Animal: monkey