Changing plans…

So just found out my boss is going to be out of town for the rest of the week, so my week isn’t going to go at all as I had originally planned. Shoot. That’s how life goes though, I suppose. Guess I’ll just have to re-evaluate. Unfortunately, it makes my to-do list longer instead of shorter this week. *sigh*

So I’m going to eat lunch, do some stuff around the house (cleaning, phone calls, juggling my schedule, reading grant proposals, etc.) then heading to the gym for a run and perhaps a bit on the bike (my scheduled run is only 2 miles today). After that I’ll come back and clean myself up for dinner with my sweetie and small group at church tonight (yes, on Valentine’s Day).

So I’m thinking I want to do the Hundred Push-ups and 200 Sit-ups challenges in my next circle around the sun.

I’ll be starting with ‘girl’ push-ups, to be sure, but the whole program only takes 6 weeks, so I figure if I start when I’m 29 I should be able to do actual push-ups by the time I’m 30.
