I feel skinny today. 🙂

That’s all. I just thought I should tell you. 🙂


My calves are wicked sore. In a good way, but sore nonetheless. I’m not going to say it’s the barefoot shoes, because I’ve been wearing them for almost a month now, but rather I think it’s playing with the WiiFit (which I don’t really consider a workout, just fun). I tend to land on the balls of my feet and it’s much more calf-centric than my regular runs. But I really felt it after my 3-miler yesterday. So I’m laying low until my scheduled 4-miler on Saturday.

I feel really good about how things are progressing. I know roughly how far my scale is off of the one at WW and if I’m right I might hit 10% this week, and if not this week then definitely by my birthday next week. Holla! This is a BFD for me as I’ve done WW before and ended up fading out of it before the 10% mark, so getting that stupid keychain is important to me.

I have the BEST day planned for Saturday. I have to keep reminding myself that my birthday is NEXT week because I’m so excited for this Saturday. First I will go to my meeting (and hopefully get my keychain), then boy and I will meet up to go grocery shopping. Then we’ll come home, put groceries away, I’ll change clothes and we’ll go into town to see an art exhibit (paintings by the director of the summer camp I work for), get lunch (I have a birthday coupon from one of my favorite restaurants), and pick up my new computer!!! So psyched. Then I have a 4-mile run, and then in the evening we’re going to see the one-act at the high school (a friend is the director and a bunch of other friends are involved with the costumes, tech, ads, etc.). Then we’ll probably go out for a drink or two with the crew. Can’t wait. 🙂