Just like any solid team, family, community, or workplace, everyone brings their natural gifts to the table. Some runners are strong on the hills, and they use their gift to pull the pack up and over. Others are good at navigation and they keep everyone moving in the right direction. Others are adept at pacing, and they crack the whip or pull the reins. Others are inspirational, and motivate those in need of morale. Others use their humor to diffuse silence, tension, or fatigue. Some are gifted planners, and always have what you need (a snack, a tampon, chapstick, body glide, ibuprofen, cab fare…). Some are sandbaggers, and they have enough kick at the end to get the whole herd back to the barn. Some are emotional paramedics, and they bandage broken soldiers along way. Some are the strong, silent type. You can’t put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence. Some bring experience, others bring fresh legs and perspectives. Some bring strategy, some bring raw athleticism. Some are historians, they remember every route, every race, every preference, every mile marker, every story, every birthday. Some follow instruction, some follow the pack, and some follow their heart. Somehow, all together, we are complete.
~ Kristin Armstrong, exerpt from “Village”
This is how I feel about our Tumblr community. I’m new. I don’t have many followers, but the wisdom, encouragement and insight I glean from the community as a whole is invaluable.