“The more often you check your watch, the longer the run will drag on.”
– The Runner’s Rule Book
So, so true.
Running with whatever life throws my way
“The more often you check your watch, the longer the run will drag on.”
– The Runner’s Rule Book
So, so true.
Monday (1/24)-3 miles
Tuesday (1/25)-XT: Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown Level I
Wednesday (1/26)-3 miles
Thursday (1/27)-Yoga Booty Ballet Sculpt
Friday (1/28)-Rest
Saturday (1/29)-2 miles (I’d like to do this entire run in my VFFs)
Sunday (1/30)-Rest
Monday (1/17)-2 miles on treadmill; went later in the day than I planned, but SO glad I did–great run! Bumped up .1 every 2 minutes until 1.25, then back down to 1.5; last ½ mile in my VFFs.
Tuesday (1/18)-XT: Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown Level I
Wednesday (1/19)-XT: 7.25 miles on stationary bike at gym (31 minutes); had gone to run but treadmills were full.
Thursday (1/20)-3 miles on treadmill; started out great but went downhill. Took a walk break at 1.5; last ¾ mile in VFFs (½ mile run; ¼ mile walk)
Saturday (1/22)– 3 miles on treadmill; ROUGH. Dehydrated, got a side stitch. Several walk breaks, mentally just not into it at all. 1 mile in VFFs!
Total Mileage for week: 8
Total Mileage for year: 21.96