Emme Eats?

So, in keeping with my goal of improving my eating, I’m thinking I need more accountability than just WW. I’m a believer in the program, especially with the recent changes I think it is so much more sane and balanced–no more ridiculous minimums! I’m actually already at the lowest points level, and the more intensely I train, the more APs I’ll get so the more I can eat. BUT–even with the changes you can still eat your daily points in crap. Which is not my goal. So I’m thinking of doing the food photo blog thing. If I’m posting pictures of my food for the masses, I can’t pretend I’m eating healthier than I am because the world is going to know I’m full of shit. Plus, I think it will be interesting to have a visual record of food (even with my amateur phone photography). 

So the question is…do I do it all here on this blog? Or do I start another blog specifically for my food journaling?

Training Log–Week 1 (1/3-1/9)

I’ve decided to post the highlights from my paper training log weekly (unless there is something spectacular, in which case I’ll probably update from my phone at the gym).

Monday (1/3)-2.20 miles on treadmill; w .25//r 1.75//w .20; needed to eat something & drink more water before but felt good otherwise.

Wednesday (1/5)-2 miles on treadmill; w .25//r 1.5// w .25; still not eating/drinking enough, sidestitch around 1 mile mark, stopped for water. Not stellar but in the books.

Saturday (1/8)– 2.24 miles on treadmill; w .25//r 1/75//w .24; ate a banana 30 min. before & drank more water = FELT BETTER! good run.

Total Mileage for week: 6.44

Total Mileage for year: 6.44

Born to Run

My boyfriend gave me Born to Run by Christopher McDougall for Christmas. Amazing book. Couldn’t put it down. Seriously, I typically read before bed and normally make it somewhere around 5 pages before I call it quits and turn out the light. I was reading 2 or 3 chapters each night and making myself stop at that to get some sleep. Amazing book. It’s a great story that you’d never believe happened if you didn’t know that the players are real people–athletes, trainers, writers, etc.–mixed with a lot of information that is so interesting (and some of it incredibly useful) it will hook you.

And it sealed the deal–my next pair of shoes will be Vibram FiveFingers. I’ve been thinking about them for a long time and doing some research, but I’m going to take the plunge. Can’t wait to try them out. :o)