January Check-in

I didn’t set monthly goals for January, so I’m going to use this as a chance to check-in on my 2011 goals. (And I haven’t forgotten that I owe you a training log for last week, or a real post about the real me.)

Goals for 2011:

  1. Pittsburgh Half Marathon!—I’m sticking to my training.
  2. Food.—I’m making some improvement. But I need to get better at photographing my food for the blog. This past week has been especially rough since I’ve been sick, but that’s another entry.
  3. Learn to like running outside.—Can you say temperatures in the negatives? ‘Cause we’ve had them so this isn’t happening anytime soon. But I reserved this as a spring goal, so it’s all good.
  4. PR at the Run for Empowerment 5k.—Not until summer, but my 2 mile time is improving. 🙂
  5. Run at least 3x per week.—Did this until last week, when I only ran twice due to illness. (which was one of my stated caveats, so it’s all good)
  6. Keep my training log.—Done deal! My paper one is up-to-date.

What does it say about me that most vacation plans for me are starting to revolve around running? We’re taking a trip this year specifically for the Pittsburgh half. And now I’m loosely considering a Disney trip based around the timing of their half marathons (depending largely on the other people involved in the trip).

And I haven’t even run my first half yet.

Back among the living…

So jealous reading about the NY Do Life 5k! Sounds like it was awesome, and I hope that I’ll be able to get to one sometime this year. 🙂

I’ve been at home sick the past two days with a stomach bug. I spent all of yesterday moaning, sipping clear liquids and trying not to die. Today I feel much better, but I’m still running a slight temperature which means I’m house bound yet again. Which has been kind of awesome, on one hand, because I rarely have this much time where I just don’t do anything. Granted yesterday I couldn’t have done anything if I wanted to (sitting upright to talk to my boss for 10 minutes took it out of me). But today I’ve been upright and coherent, but not doing anything, which is cool.

But I gotta say that I was jealous when the boyfriend went to the gym this morning. I was scheduled for a 3-miler which I was smart enough to know I shouldn’t go for. Very glad I did my 2-miler second run for the January Fiblr races on Thursday because I was planning to do it today and I would’ve been SOL.

So hopefully the fever will clear and I can head back to work and training tomorrow (it’s an off day, but we’ll see. I have been lying in bed for 2 straight days).

I *heart* Runner’s World

(1) I adore Peter Sagal. The essay from the March issue isn’t up online yet, but I will surely post the link when it is. His Road Scholar essays are one of the reasons I get on the bike at the gym.

(2) Dean Karnazes. Must read his books now. I will be quoting from the excerpts published in RW for the next several days. *heart*

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I haven’t forgotten that I owe you a real post about who I am and what I do with the rest of my time. Perhaps tomorrow afternoon.

2nd time for January Fitblr races. Shaved 2 minutes and 3 seconds off my 2 mile run from the first submitted time. Holla! Even if I don’t place, I don’t care, because I shaved off more than 2 minutes in less than a month because I actually pushed myself.

Also, did this entire run in my VFFs. I’m sold. These are the only shoes I’m going to wear from here on out. I *LOVE* them!

Lots to do today, including a real post in here, about me, my job, life & such. But first another cup of coffee and a change of clothes (I can’t be productive in pajamas). I’ll see you in a while internets.

Plan: work, load of laundry, clean up apartment, DVD or WiiFit, 3 miles, State of the Union, Biggest Loser.

Guess this means I should get ready for work. 🙂

Later, lovelies. 🙂


I have had a bad couple of food days.

But they are over now. I will start clean in the morning.

I did not run tonight as it was freakin’ freezing & there was (is) a sick boyfriend at home who needed some TLC. Tomorrow, however, it is on.

Tomorrow will be a day of bad-assedness.

I will be awesome, because I am awesome.

I will let you know how it goes.

Until then, I’m going to go to bed.


Training Plan for 1/24-1/30

Monday (1/24)-3 miles

Tuesday (1/25)-XT: Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown Level I

Wednesday (1/26)-3 miles

Thursday (1/27)-Yoga Booty Ballet Sculpt

Friday (1/28)-Rest

Saturday (1/29)-2 miles (I’d like to do this entire run in my VFFs)

Sunday (1/30)-Rest