Check-In Week 18

No scale report this week–was a rough week and so I cut myself a little slack and just decided to not. It is what it is, and I know my body, I’m not concerned. Hoping for one last solid 10-miler this weekend before the race next week. REALLY EXCITED about some upcoming races. I’ve got most of the rest of the year booked and paid for already. One more race to sign up for to end the year, and our new year’s race also.

Life is good. Work is good. Getting a little homesick and ready for the Thanksgiving break, but it will be here before I know it. Running is good, though it has been a rough week, I’ll admit. I need to start packing my head lamp or suck it up and head to the gym to use the treadmill more.

I’m in love with running again, and it feels amazing. I want to do all of the races. I’ve always shied away from group runs, but I can’t wait to get out there for the first time with my running group. I’m feeling the itch for another full marathon. I need to set some definitiveĀ goals and work out an actual training plan for next year. I need to learn to take more pictures and document it more. It’s hard to share the love the way I want to when I don’t have the tangible reminders and memories. The more running comes back to me, the more writing comes back to me. The more I run the more I want to share it. So big things are coming, little blog.

Happy Friday, Happy Weekend.